The Holy Grail Guide to Emails
A 30+ page PDF guide on all things emails, client communication, 18 customizable email templates that I use everyday to communicate with my clients & so much more.
Good communication is one of the KEYS to running a successful business & creating an amazing experience.
These email templates ensure amazing communication throughout the entire process, all the way from booking a shoot to sending out the final gallery. I use these emails on a daily basis and they are what I use to maintain consistent bookings, avoid ghosting, & take my client experience to a new level.
The emails you’ll find in this guide:
Initial couples session inquiry.
Initial wedding inquiry.
Ready to book email.
The booking email for couples sessions.
The booking email for weddings.
Destination client email.
If you’re booked up or can’t shoot on their date response.
Associate email if you’re booked up.
Not the best fit response.
Not the best fit after talking for a while.
Dealing with discounts.
Getting ghosted follow up.
Questionnaire email.
The invoice email.
The contract email.
Final gallery send off.
Working with a wedding coordinator.
One month wedding check in.
A 30 + page PDF Guide, 18 Email Templates, Tips on how to Present Pricing, Tips on how to Create a Better Client Experience from Start to Finish